Walking and Working Surfaces SS1116IE (12 Min.)
Like numerous other workplace safety requirements, OSHA has specific standards for the different types of walking and working surfaces we all encounte .....
Like numerous other workplace safety requirements, OSHA has specific standards for the different types of walking and working surfaces we all encounter on the job, on a daily basis. The ultimate goal of these standards and this training is to prevent as many slips, trips and falls as possible – both in the workplace and at home. Topics include:
- Slip, trip and fall awareness
- “Defensive” walking
- Housekeeping and aisles
- Stairs, walkways and railings
- Openings
- Ladder safety
- Scaffolds, and more
The vast majority of accidents related to walking and work surfaces are preventable and need not happen, so it is imperative your employees or associates receive this 10 minute training.
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