Preventing Work Related Burns In Restaurants – SS6026AE (10 min.)
Preventing Work-Related Burn Injury In Restaurants – The Food Service Industry experiences the highest number of burns of any employment sector, abo .....
Preventing Work-Related Burn Injury In Restaurants – The Food Service Industry experiences the highest number of burns of any employment sector, about 12,000 each year. The Industry employs approximately 6.5 million workers in the United States each year. This Industry also comprises one of the largest groups of workers injured on the job in the United States. These injuries and illnesses are costly and damaging, both for the employee and for the individual restaurant owner. Job injuries and illnesses contribute to absenteeism, light duty assignments or other work restrictions, high turnover, and higher workers’ compensation costs. Common injuries in restaurants include burns, lacerations, and sprains and strains.
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