Home Health Care - Choices: Safe Driving - SS703E (24 Min.)

This year, approximately 30,000 people will die in vehicle collisions. That’s 100 today. That’s 100 tomorrow…and the next day. Every Day. People .....

This year, approximately 30,000 people will die in vehicle collisions. That’s 100 today. That’s 100 tomorrow…and the next day. Every Day. People’s lives are shattered. Families are torn apart. Why? Poor choices. We mention choices because that’s really what it comes down to. Will your employees choose to obey traffic laws and operate their vehicles safely? Or, will they choose to take a chance… a chance that can have grave and long lasting effects. You can help them make good choices behind the wheel with this video.

Topics include:

Disctracted Driving
Phone Conversations
In-Car Distractions
External Distractions
Inclement Weather
BillBoards and
Drowsy Driving
As well as tried and true Defensive Driving techniques relating to:

Speed Limits
Following Distance
Aggressive Driving
Anticipating Hazards & Backing and Parking

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