Aviation Dangerous Goods – SS4002AE (17 min.)

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Dangerous goods are any items that may endanger the safety of an aircraft or persons on board an aircraft.
Which common household items are permitted in checked baggage, as long as they have the proper seal or cap to protect from accidental discharge?
Passengers are not allowed to carry or have access to a weapon or small arms ammunition in the cabin.
In most cases, using common sense is a good method for determining what dangerous goods are.
If spare batteries are carried on in passenger luggage, they are not considered a hazard if they are kept in the original packaging.
Release devices on aerosols must be protected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent release.
Flight crew members are responsible for assuring the passengers and their baggage meet the applicable regulations related to transportation of hazardous materials.
Lighter fuel or lighter refills are okay to bring on an airplane as long as your check your luggage.
Many common items used every day in the home or workplace may seem harmless, however, transported by air, they can be very dangerous.
Which items are considered to be hazardous and are prohibited on aircraft?